United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women met on May 12 with 21 members and 7 guests in attendance. After the meeting was called to order by the president, Jo Swigert, and the UMW Purpose was recited, Pat Bergthold led devotions. A prayer card was signed for missionary Abraham Sellu, who serves in Kanysa, Uganda. The afternoon’s program was led by Bob McFarland, a local minister who also serves with the Indian Ministries Council of the Americas. Mr. McFarland told of his work in mission from Canada to Honduras, and shared information about religious and cultural practices, family structures, and living conditions that are present in the lives of the people with whom he works. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland brought Kathi and Bill Munholland of Johnson County, Kansas, to the UMW meeting. After the program, the president conducted a brief business meeting. The secretary’s report was read and approved, and the treasurer’s report showed a balance on hand as of April 30, 2008, of $2,753.60. During old and new business, the following was reported: Pat Bergthold and Brenda Gould will coordinate the May 20 craft day; the May 4 UMW Sunday service was well received and $72 in mission corsages were sold that day; and information was shared about the June 21 Spring Luncheon and the Festival of Sharing. In the time for officers’ and coordinators’ reports, Leanore McMaster welcomed two new members to the unit: Kay Hutsler and Brenda Gould received mission ribbon corsages as they were welcomed by the group. Deanna Loeffler, Education and Interpretation coordinator, gave an update on the Palestine-Israel political situation. Joanne McClelland, Social Action coordinator, reported that State Legislator Larry Wilson will speak at our July meeting. A short report was given on the cake walk at the Rendezvous on May 3. The meeting adjourned to refreshments served by hostesses Juanita Carlisle and Barb Charpie. The next meeting will be the Spring Luncheon on June 21. Pat Bergthold and her committee will be hostesses and all women of the church (and their guests) are invited to attend.